Download our Newark Resource Guide. Descargue nuestra Guía de recursos de Newark.

Our goal is to have this mini-guide in the hands of as many residents as possible. This page will be updated with a list of locations throughout the city where you can pick up guides for yourself, your neighbors, or your organization. (The links in the PDF guide can be clicked and take you directly to the websites listed)

Click here or flip through above to view our resource guide.

Haga clic aquí o hojee arriba para ver nuestra guía de recursos.

 How did you know this is information Newark residents needed?

Outlier Media conducted a city-wide SMS (text message-based) survey that assessed Newark’s information needs. The collaborative also partnered with Groundsource to learn more about information needs and the hopes residents have for our city.

The survey asked participants about the challenges they currently faced, upcoming challenges they foresaw, and the resources they needed. Outlier also used information from the United Way 211 System in its information needs analysis.

Outlier found that some of the biggest information gaps were economic challenges relating to utilities, food, housing, and support for virtual education. The most severe information needs in Newark involved COVID-19 and food insecurity.

If you are a community organization that would like hard copies of our resource guide or have any questions or concerns, please email


Our goal is to have this mini-guide in the hands of as many residents as possible. This page will be updated with a list of locations throughout the city where you can pick up guides for yourself, your neighbors, or your organization.